Some Neat
Projects We've Done
Zero-Crossing Detector for AC Signals
A little circuit board that converts AC signals to a positive square wave compatible with timestampers
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The Great Radiosonde Hunt
A million weather balloons are launched annually; I've created some tools to help find them
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Measuring Earth's Circumference with a Ruler
Recreating a 2,200-year-old experiment from home, with a twist
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Time Synchronization on the ESP32
A high-precision NTP client that syncs a small IoT device to within 1ms of UTC
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Fully 3D-Printable Mini Rotating Stand
A miniature version of my full-size stand, still with a slip ring to power the display
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Wireless air quality sensor
Monitor air quality trends without giving up control of your data
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From your drawing to a medallion in minutes
At a local museum, we spent the day demonstrating 3D printing, moldmaking and casting
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8-Sided D4 Dice
Pyramids don't roll very well, so I made D4 dice with 8 sides. You can download and print your own!
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Casting a Rubber Drain Stopper
We needed a drain stopper for a party. What's the fun in buying one when you can make it right at home?
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Motorized Rotating Christmas Tree Stand
This platform rotates 3 times per hour and brings power to the tree through a slip ring. Made from wood with 3D printed gears and motor mounts.
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USB Power Splitter
A tiny circuit board to help run costume lights off a portable power brick
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Silicone Mold for a D20 Die Cake
Friends wanted a wedding cake shaped like a D20 die. We made a 3D model of half a die, printed it in PLA, created a silicone mold, baked the cake, and covered it with fondant cut with a 3D printed cutter.
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Bringing a Tattoo to Life: A "reverse circuit board"
My friend has a tattoo that looks like a circuit board. I made a real circuit board that looks just like it—but actually works!
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From Graph Paper to Gingerbread
3D printed cookie cutters for making a gingerbread house—including a tutorial for making your own!
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3D Printed Shishi Odoshi Japanese Fountain
A 3D printed fountain based on one I saw in a Japanese Garden in Portland. My first attempt at making something that moves water.
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Rocket Ship Treehouse
Rarely does building a treehouse require welding, grinding, painting, riveting, bending, crimping, plumbing, brazing, laser cutting, sound design, printed circuit board fabrication, 30,000 lines of C code, distributed network protocols, sewing and embroidery. Ours did.
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36 Hour Autonomous Boat Building Challenge
We tried to modify an RC boat with a GPS and software to have it be self-driving. Many of our projects take way too long; for this one, we limited ourselves to one weekend, no matter what. It didn't work, but it was fun and we learned a lot.
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Camera Shutter Speed Test Rig
I built a small test rig to test the shutter speed of the mechanical shutter on a Lomography camera.
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The Tale of the Toaster
Keeping our toaster alive was my original motiviation to learn 3D printing. As time went on, the fixes got more elaborate.
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Zero-Crossing Detector for AC Signals
A little circuit board that converts AC signals to a positive square wave compatible with timestampers
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34-LED Light-Up Bicycle Ornament
A fun, light-up ornament for the cyclists in your life. Originally inspired by a friend's tattoo!
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Arduino Keypad Shield
A 16-button keypad with all the software and mounting hardware to make adding it to your Arduino project a snap.
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Arduino PC Joystick Shield
An Arduino shield for quickly and easily adding old-style (DB15) PC joysticks to your sketches.
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IKEA Duktig Stove Battery Saver and Replacement Buttons
A circuit board that increases the battery life of your Ikea Duktig Stove to years. We also sell replacement buttons.
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